Saturday, April 26, 2008

Talky Blog #10: About Grad School...

I've made a little talky blog. While my mac compresses the file and uploads it onto youtube, I will type this little introduction. First of all, let me say that it's late- after midnight now, and I've been sick and medicated recently. That combined with the stress level and what I think was a some sort of anxiety attack last night has led me to be rather contemplative. All this and little meditation tonight led me to make this video blog. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Hey Mike Jones.Whenever I come over and read/watch your blog, I'm always amazed at well you articulate the things that are on your mind. Kudos for such a good attitude about taking control of the learning experience. It inspires me to have that approach at work.Have a great Sunday!

  2. I just re-watched this and realized something. It's a drinking game! Take a shot every time I say "run my track".

  3. Nice Mike Jones. I feel the same way about a lot of what you say, like I'm slipping into an area of "un-care" in pursuit of peace time rather than work time. Anyhoo, keep your head up kid.
