Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catching Up

It's 2am and I'm somehow more awake than I've been in a long time.  I battled with some seasonal depression last week. It was finally really cold outside and all the leaves had turned. What some might find inspiring and beautiful I tend to see as reminder of the passage of time and imminent death.  Depressing, ain't it?  But this is a new week and I'm optimistic.  Fall has some real perks like the introduction of cute hats and scarves to my wardrobe.  That's always fun.  And the cycle of life should be celebrated- not feared. 

I also strayed from Weight Watchers last week-- in a bad way-- gaining back 3 pounds.  But Today I'm back on and doing well.  I have a plan for tomorrow and hope to really bring my water intake up to where it should be in addition to staying on target with my points the rest of this week.  I stocked up on veggies and low cal options today at the grocery store.

So- I'm in prep week for Alice in Wonderland.  Prepping for a show is very exciting.  It's a new beginning!  We all get to start fresh.  New production. New cast. New paperwork. New calendar. New To Do List. New script. New designs. New office supplies!  YAY PREP WEEK!

Ok. I'm gonna go read for a bit and go to bed.  Later-

Friday, October 24, 2008

Talky Blog

Tops covered:
  • Weird schedule changes
  • What I'm reading now-a-days
  • I need new batteries!
  • Where is the UPS guy?
  • Why am I wearing at hat?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weight Watchers Update

I've lost 6 pounds! 

I know that doesn't sound like much but I'm still very happy about it.  In fact, I did a little dance when I hopped off the scale this morning.  So far Weight Watchers seems to be working really well for me-- I don't starve.  I just make smarter choices and still eat my fill.  At the end of the day I have more energy and feel better.  The weight loss is like a bonus. 

So-- wish me luck!  I think I'm hooked now. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
I was playing in my little photography studio this morning when Ophelia decided to pay me a visit. She was nice enough to sit still long enough for me to snap a quick shot. Isn't she beautiful? :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Converting the sun room into a studio

Hey!  I'm VERY excited about this--- I've decided to convert my sun room into a photography studio.  I've already done one photo session in here already and it worked so well that I decided to permanently rearrange some furniture, move the litter box and create a little work space for my photography.  The sun room is perfect because I love using natural light and plenty comes in thru the windows here midday.  I've added some studio lighting for fill or sessions on cloudy days.  The windows are useful in other ways.  The blinds create a great effect when needed and the curtain rod at the end of the room can be used to hang back drops.  Here is a snap shot of my little studio as I was setting it up: 

Weight Watchers Update

So I've been on Weight Watchers for a couple of weeks now.  Honestly though, the first week doesn't really count.  I tried to just eat like normal and see how many points it added up to.  It was great- I learned a lot about where I spend my points.  I'll usually be on track (unless I go to Chipotle for lunch) until the evening when it all goes out the door.  In that last hour before bed I have a tendency to binge on foods with a high point value and blow the whole plan out of the water. 

With this problem in mind I headed into the 2nd week.  And I was doing pretty well until the dinner break of our 1st 10 out of 12 tech rehearsal.  Our director's wonderful mother brought food to the theatre to feed the cast and crew-- and oh my God it was delicious!  I jumped off the diet wagon and into the buffet line faster than  you can say gastric bypass!   Later I was munching on my 3rd sandwich from the Mom buffet when I decided: tech is like Christmas-- no one should be on a diet during tech. 

So once tech was over I jumped back on the wagon and so far have been doing pretty good.  So far I've lost 2 pounds, gained one back and now I'm on my way back down.  One thing that's actually helping me is my lack of social interaction.  You see, my favorite thing to do with friends is to eat-- but in Cincinnati all my friends are so busy and I'm always at the theatre so I've been eating out MUCH less often than I did in grad school.  At one point I was up to eating out a least once a day. 

Anyway- Wish me luck!