Sunday, May 25, 2014

Cyber Life...

Once again I'm away for the Summer stage managing at the Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival. This means that:

A) I'm a little cut off from the world up here and
B) I have more free time than I know what to do with.

Item B on on this list is true because of the nature of the show I'm doing.  It's a show we're bringing in that requires little rehearsal and then we run it all Summer.   During the run I don't have much to do before my show call each day.  Back home in NYC these free mornings and afternoons are taken up with dog walks, shopping, having lunch or coffee with friends, and commuting into the city.  But while I'm upstate I don't have any of that.  Well.. I will have the dog to walk starting next week (YAY!) but still.  I spend a lot of time sitting my apartment, catching up on Netflix, scrapbooking, and web surfing.  A big part of that web surfing is reading blogs and watching YouTube videos.

And just like last year, I'm watching these Vlogs on YouTube and think I WANT TO DO THAT!  That's why things like this happen:

The real purpose for that quick video blog was to test out my Canon Powershot A2500 point and shoot camera to see how it would do for making YouTube videos.  I think it did pretty well!

So... I want to catch up on my blogging.  What ever shall I talk about?   I might do a Star Trek episode review series.  Where I make a quick video with my thoughts on every episode of Star Trek.  I'd prob make these pretty quick-- like 5 min.  It would be a lot of fun to have special guests-- like friends and family who watch the episode with me (or not with me if they're far away) to give their thoughts.  A 2nd perspective or opinion-- maybe from people who know NOTHING about Star Trek would be a lot of fun!!

Of course-- most of my special guests aren't anywhere near me.  So, how do I make a video with someone who's far away?  I think I've found the answer in Google Hangouts On Air!  I can set up a live hangout session with someone and Google will record it & load it to YouTube for me!  Here's the test I did by myself.  I honestly didn't know it was recording...

Here is link to a Google Hangout with Adam Rucker & Keith Lapinig that will give you a much better example of what it would be like.  They are also live chatting with fans while "hanging out".

But the Star Trek review show is just one idea.  Tim has also been talking about doing a Disney podcast.  That idea could also translate into a YouTube / Google Hangout format perhaps.  The challenging thing is editing these videos.  Since Google automatically loads them to Youtube I'd have to then go in and use YouTube's editor to trim out parts or add captions, etc.  I think it's possible though. :)

Anyway, that's where I'm at for now.  What are your thoughts if any?

Live Long & Prosper Y'all!!

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