Some BIG NEWS came out yesterday that the Enterprise will soon be a part of the Intrepid Air & Space Museum's collection right here in New York City! If you haven't been down to the Intrepid, I highly recommend it. It's a fun educational experience! But I'd wait until the Enterprise arrives if I were you. I'll be sure to post more info about the Enterprise's voyage to the big apple as I learn it. :)
From the Wallstreet Journal:
"The NASA prototype used for test flights in the 1970s will arrive sometime next year at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum on the Hudson River — likely on a mammoth Boeing 747 airplane, then a barge up the Hudson River, said Intrepid president Susan Marenoff-Zausner."
[...] Smithsonian can’t have 2 shuttles. That would just seem greedy! So, as I mentioned in a blog entry a while back, the Enterprise is coming to NYC to be on permanent display at the Intrepid Sea, [...]