With all this technology (google docs, iphone notes, word, excel) that I use to keep my life in order, sometimes I get overwhelmed. In times like these I take out my the little pocket notebook from my bag, grab a pen and start making lists. Once this begins I have to keep this little notebook with me at all times (even in the bathroom as you can see above).
I'm not sure why I'm blogging about this. I guess I just wanted to talk about how when life is getting crazy and stressful a nice bullet point list can make it all seem very manageable.
I'm entering into a transitional period over the next few weeks. My summer job at the Opera is ending soon but I'm still in the THICK of it now. I don't want to delve into the details here, but I'll say this of being a Super Captain: I learned a lot about myself and about human nature. I'm also going into prep for our season the Ensemble Theatre and looking forward to getting back behind a prompt book. But enough about work.
Next week I fly to Boston for Tim's birthday! I'm VERY excited about this trip. There are birthday celebrations planed, fun touristy things to do in Salem MA (yay witch history!) and I finally get to spend some time with Tim. It's been way to long. I'm only in Boston for a couple of days and then Tim and I fly to Orlando Florida for our Disney vacation!!! WAAAHOO!! I'm SO EXCITED! A real vacation with someone I love! It's like a dream still-- I don't really believe that it's happening on some level. I'm sure it'll sink in when I'm on the plane-- or maybe when I'm on the monorail with Tim and see the Magic Kingdom come into view for the first time-- or maybe when we meet Mickey Mouse-- or maybe when I buy my Mouseketeer Ears with "Mike" stitched on the back!! EEEEEE!!
Then, when Tim and I get back from Disney we're going to Andrea and Scott's fabulous wedding and THEN we have our big move into the new apartment. Well- Tim has his BIG move from Massachusetts but I'm only move 5 blocks from my current apartment. I can't wait to post pictures of the new place once we get it all decorated and settled. We're also planning a house warming party! :)
So-- if I can just get thru the stress of these next few days (Carmen tech/dress, my own to do list like packing etc, prep for 33 Variations) then I get to see Tim and have a nice vacation. And THEN we get to start our living together life together in a new apartment! :)
Life is good.
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