Hello friends and blog buddies! Here's a quick bullet list to catch you up on what's going on in my life.
- I've totally fallen off the wagon with this diet thing. I just got tired of thinking about food! And logging in to weight watchers dot com to look up the point values of what I'd eaten. It just became a hassle. Plus I've been all over the map emotionally (partially because of the season change-- I think I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, frankly ) so I've been eating irrationally. I'm an emotional eater- I've said it before. I eat to make myself happy--- oh the joy of biting into snickers bar or a big juicy hamburger!
- I love musical theatre-- but I hate that I've had Alice in Wonderland lyrics stuck in my head all week! "Falling... Falling... Down Down Down.. Curiouser and curiouser... "
- Ophelia seems to be much more affectionate in the winter. Maybe she wants to share body heat. In any case, if I'm sitting she wants to be in my lap. On related note- I really need to trim her claws.
- I'm excited about going to see Quantum of Solace this week! I've been preparing for it by watching some of my favorite Bond films. Last night I
watched From Russia With Love- the 2nd installment in the series and arguably the best. But watching this Connery classic has brought up some mixed feelings about Craig's second installment in the Bond franchise. I fear they might have turned the debonair man of mystery that I've idolized since childhood into an action hero-- more interested in explosions then espionage (at least that's what Roger Ebert says). I should withhold my own review till I see the film.
- Speaking of film franchises that I love-- there's some news over at Trek Movie.com. The new trailer (already been leaked onto the internet)
will be on the official site tomorrow. The folks over at Paramount have also released images from the film including a glimpse at the new/old Enterprise. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, I loved the idea of a prequel-- a film that explores a young Kirk and his journey to the center seat-- his early friendships with Spock, etc. But why redesign the Enterprise? What was wrong with Matt Jefferies' original design? Hmm.. I'm trying to keep an open mind. Don't get me wrong-- I'm very excited about the film and even more happy that it's coming out on my birthday (May 8th). Again, I won't pass final judgement until then. :)