Monday, February 25, 2008


OMG you guys- I've been SO BUSY lately! I don't even know where to begin. Let's go bullet point style:
  • I'm in tech for The Count of Monte Cristo. It's going really well. It's a big show with a complicated set and backstage life, but I'm enjoying it. This does mean really long hours at work though.
  • My cat Ophelia has been very sick. :( Basically she was dangerously constipated. But after some time in an animal hospital (several outpatient visits) and a few ugly vet bills she seems to be much better. It's been a life changing week for her since her diet now has to change completely. Wish us luck!
  • I'm getting new glasses! My old ones are all f'ed up so (despite the vet bill drama) I'm going to get new ones. I made an appointment with an optometrist for this afternoon. I'm thinking about going with thick black plastic frames. Something like this. Thoughts? :)
  • On the photography front, I have a photoshoot scheduled with my MFA classmates coming up. I'm getting my picture made with them by a professional photographer and I'm shooting the acting students to give them more options for their showcase program. I can't wait! I also have a few more actor headshot shoots in the works. :)
  • I updated my resume today adding in the shows I'm doing right now. I'm thinking about changing the font. Which do you like better? Font # 1 or Font # 2 or Font #3? (pdf files). Thanks for helping me out. :)
  • Ok... I recently made a silly purchase. This was before Oph got sick and I had those vet bills, but it's too late to cancel it now. I ordered a utilikilt! So, it arrived the other day but they sent me the wrong size! :( It was HUGE!! They were really nice about it and apologized for the mistake. They sent me a return UPS label and the ginormous kilt is on its way back to Seattle as we speak. Meanwhile, I want MY kilt!
  • Wow- it's a beautiful day! OK.. I'm off to do some laundry. Later!
    UPDATE: I got my new glasses. Check um out!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse
Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
I just went out on my balcony and snapped a couple pics of the moon. Check um out on my flicker page. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday...

Yesterday was weird. Usually Monday is my day off but this week I had a random rehearsal that dominated the day. This has made me feel like I'm running behind... I hope I can catch up this week.

Here is my usual Monday routine:

- I try to enjoy the one day when I can sleep in but still get up early enough so I don't feel like I've wasted the day. This is a delicate balance but usually puts me getting up just before 10am.
- After I shower I check my e-mail and hit the "Stumble!" button about 20 times. I usually start to make a To Do list then. The list includes things like this:
- Laundry
- Dishes
- Trash
- Clean Bathroom
- Pick up Bedroom
- vacuum
- Clean Litter Box
- Groceries
- Theatre History??
- Meditate
- Call Kerrie
- Plan Photo Shoot
- Blog
- Job Search
- After I make this list I ignore it for an hour or two. If it's a nice day I'll open the windows and the door to the deck. I put up a baby gate in the door so Ophelia doesn't go out on the deck. She's so curious about the deck but when she's out there she freaks out... so we avoid that.
- I start laundry and fix something to eat. While this is happening I usually pick up the apartment a little and I might gather the trash to take it out and load the dish washer.
- After I eat I take the trash out on my way to the car.
- I end up at Wal-mart-- the evil but convenient place for one stop shopping. I buy whatever I need and come back. Usually while I'm at Wal-mart Kerrie calls me (because I never get around to calling her) and we make dinner plans.
- I come back home, put away groceries and call or im Lynn to invite him to dinner too. Kerrie, Lynn and I have dinner every monday night-- but we always act like it's a new thing, you know what I mean? The conversation is always "Hey, what are you doing? Have you eaten? Well, Kerrie (or Lynn if I'm talking to Kerrie) and I are going to get something to eat later. Want to come along?"
- Laundry
- Clean Litter Box
- Turn on the TV and promptly ignore it. I sit down and Oph jumps in my lap. About 10 seconds after she settles the dryer clicks off or I hear someone IM me or the microwave beeps. "Sorry kitty.. jump down." I end up sitting very little on Mondays.
- Internet (MySpace, Facebook, Blog, Stumble, Stumble Stumble....)
- Knock Knock. Come in!! Lynn & Kerrie come over and we talk about were to eat. Or rather, where not to eat.
- Dinner!
- Then I usually end up back at one of our apartment feeling like a stuffed pig. We lounge and chat.
- Crap! I forgot laundry in the dryer and washer! I start it back up.
- I look back at the list and mark off the couple of things I accomplished and settle in for a quiet evening of web surfing. I should go to bed early because I have work in the morning but... I never do.

So. That's my Monday. But this week it was more like
- Get up and quicky eat something
- Rehearsal
- Lunch (laundry, trash, litter box)
- Rehearsal
- Give Ophelia a bath
- Crap! Laundry!
- Dinner w/Kerrie & Lynn
- World Market... I'm so sleepy
- Crash. Crap! Laundry!
- Internet
- Sleep

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Headshot shoot: Sarah Thornton

Here is the best headshot that I took of Sarah last week.

I just wanted to share some of my pictures on my blog and I'm testing the "blog this" feature on flickr. :)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time Management

I've been so bad with time management lately! It just seems that all my time is squandered and I fall behind on everything (including this blog). The main culprit is my work schedule. I'm at the theatre for about 12 hours a day. But still, minus 8 hours of sleep that leaves me 4 hours to read, blog, do homework and ... what am I fogetting? Oh, EAT. That's right. Actually, that's just about all I end up doing. I eat out a lot now-a-days. Ok, enough rambling.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Failed Talky Blog

So I recorded a talky blog on my dinner break but... the audio didn't record. Still, it's kind of funny to watch. I think I was on crack. Check it out here if you want a laugh.

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