Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Black Eyed Peas?

My family has a long tradition of eating black eyed peas and pork on New Year's Day.  I remember asking once why we eat these things on January 1st each year.  My grandmother explained that "The more black eyes peas you eat, the more money you'll get in the new year."  But none of my family could explain the origins of the tradition.  Years later I'm still curious.  I think I'll employ some modern technology to shed light on the topic. [goes online]

According to Wikipeadia, the "good luck" traditions of eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day aren't new.  They are recorded in the Babylonian Talmud  which was compiled in ~500 CE.    Furthurmore, the Babylonian Rabbi Abaye [d. 339 CE] said, "Now that you have established that good-luck symbols avail, you should make it a habit to see bottle gourd, black-eyed peas, leeks, beets or spinach, and dates on your table on the New Year."

The wiki entry also explains why my northern friends look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about black-eyed peas. It says they are traditionally eaten on New Year's Day in the South and in some other parts of the U.S. In some areas, they are served as a starchy side dish, cooked with or without sidemeat, hog jowls, bacon, ham bones, fatback or another pork product.

This regionalization of the tradition might have it's roots in U.S. Civil War. (But doesn't everything in the South?) Union troops in Sherman's March would typically strip the countryside of all stored food, crops, and livestock and destroy whatever they couldn't carry away. At that time, Northerners considered "field peas" and corn suitable only for animal fodder, and as a result didn't steal or destroy these humble foods. Many Southerners survived as a result of this mistake.  Lucky indeed!

And so I'm left wondering if I should pickup some black eyed peas at Kroger tomorrow?  I mean, who am I to argue with Babylonian tradition?

Does your family have any New Years Day traditions?  Do you think I'm crazy and making this all up?  Leave a comment!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

After a month "off plan"

I started Weight Watchers Online a few months ago and it was working pretty well for me.  I lost several pounds by making minor changes to my eating habits.  While I strayed from the program every now and then I have to give it credit- it works.  And if I really gave it a go-- complete with exercise & the determination to be successful I'm sure it could change my life.

But-- I took a "break" from it over a month ago-- the last time I logged into my account was 11/24.  Straying was easy! I was going thru some emotional ups and downs and, as usual, I turned to food for comfort.  Then with the holiday season upon me I decided it was easier to stay off the diet and "enjoy" the treats that Christmas had to offer!  Well here's my update: I feel terrible.  I've gain 6.7 lbs in the last month (still down a couple pounds from when I first started WW though).  My joints hurt, I have less energy and I'm just generally gross.  I need to get back on track and the new year seems like the perfect time to do it.  That being said, I'm reluctant to throw away the homemade fudge that's sitting in my kitchen. Hmm...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Star Trek Fan Film Episode!

I can't tell you how excited I am about the latest episode of Star Trek Phase II.  You'll just have to check it out for yourself.  The folks over at Phase II do a great job. I admire their standard of excellence and find it especially inspiring that the future of Star Trek lies in the capable hands of fans like them who are infused with Gene's spirit. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Card

Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
Last night I snapped this adorable picture of Oph and just had to share it with you all. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update (a bullet list)

Hello friends and blog buddies!  Here's a quick bullet list to catch you up on what's going on in my life.
  • I've totally fallen off the wagon with this diet thing.  I just got tired of thinking about food!  And logging in to weight watchers dot com to look up the point values of what I'd eaten.  It just became a hassle.  Plus I've been all over the map emotionally (partially because of the season change-- I think I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, frankly ) so I've been eating irrationally.  I'm an emotional eater- I've said it before.  I eat to make myself happy--- oh the joy of biting into snickers bar or a big juicy hamburger! 
  • I love musical theatre-- but I hate that I've had Alice in Wonderland lyrics stuck in my head all week!  "Falling... Falling... Down Down Down.. Curiouser and curiouser... "
  • Ophelia seems to be much more affectionate in the winter.  Maybe she wants to share body heat. In any case, if I'm sitting she wants to be in my lap. On related note- I really need to trim her claws.  
  • I'm excited about going to see Quantum of Solace this week!  I've been preparing for it by watching some of my favorite Bond films.  Last night I watched From Russia With Love- the 2nd installment in the series and arguably the best.  But watching this Connery classic has brought up some mixed feelings about Craig's second installment in the Bond franchise.  I fear they might have turned the debonair man of mystery that I've idolized since childhood into an action hero-- more interested in explosions then espionage  (at least that's what Roger Ebert says).  I should withhold my own review till I see the film. 
  • Speaking of film franchises that I love-- there's some news  over at Trek  The new trailer (already been leaked onto the internet) will be on the official site tomorrow.  The folks over at Paramount have also released images from the film including a glimpse at the new/old Enterprise.  I'm not sure how I feel about this.  I mean, I loved the idea of a prequel-- a film that explores a young Kirk and his journey to the center seat-- his early friendships with Spock, etc.  But why redesign the Enterprise?  What was wrong with Matt Jefferies' original design?  Hmm.. I'm trying to keep an open mind.   Don't get me wrong-- I'm very excited about the film and even more happy that it's coming out on my birthday (May 8th). Again, I won't pass final judgement until then. :) 
[UPDATE: Here is the Official Trailer for Star Trek!]

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Ups and Downs

I have a lot on my mind today and, as usual, I'm having trouble filtering it down onto the page.  The page being a screen of course.  Last night's election results left me emotional.  I had tried not to get my hopes up too high.  I was let down in 2000 and again in 2004 so this go-round I had my guard up.  I didn't go to any fun election night parties or gather with friends around a TV.  I decided to watch the election results from home with my cat.  It was looking good... as they say "fool me once..."  Then Fox News flashed a headline "Obama To Be President" I looked in disbelief.  I quickly switched to NBC-- nothing.  ABC-- chatter.  Had Fox jumped the gun?  My fears were soon laid to rest when all the networks and announced Barack Obama the winner!  I soon started crying-- tears of joy.  I mean this is history!  This is what we need!  This is hope! This is change!  This is America living up to its potential!  Suddenly I regretted not going to the election parties.  So I quickly started texting and messaging friends from my comfy spot on the couch.  Messages like "YAY!" and "GO OBAMA!"  I grabbed a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich and munched on it while McCain gave his speech.  Later I was too emotional to eat  while Obama gave his inspiring speech.  I went to bed happy feeling like we were on the right track.  I was proud to be an American-- as proud as I was in my childhood when I happily pledged allegiance to a small flag hanging next to the chalkboard in Ms. Osborn's classroom.

But this morning I got the rest of the news.  Proposition 8 passed in California?!?!  How could this happen?  What went wrong people?  It just goes to show that we haven't come as far as we think we have.  And that we have a long journey to go for true equality.  That being said, I turn to President Elect Obama's words for inspiration.

"There will be setbacks and false
starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I
make as President, and we know that government can't solve every
problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we
face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all,
I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way
it's been done in America for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block
by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. 

So let us summon a new spirit of
patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to
pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each
other. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thoughtful Mike

 Hello friends-

I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween.  I have a couple of things on my mind-- and when that happens I often turn to my little blog.  Let's make a bullet list!!

  • Election Update: This is my first election year in Ohio.  No one prepared me for the barrage of political ads I'd be subjected to living in a swing state!  My god!  It's insane! Not only have political ads taken over the TV, but they're filling up my mailbox now-- my real mailbox that is- not e-mail.  These ads are always so negative.  It's depressing in a way.   I'll be happy when this election is over.
  • Weight Watchers Update: It's going ok.  I did stray yesterday quite a bit by indulging in some Halloween candy and baked goods at work.  I mean- what the hell.  It's a holiday- right?
  • Reading Update: I may have abandoned my laundromat book "A Habit for Death".  I might pick it up again on some cold laundry day, but for now it's back on the shelf.  I've started "Running With Scissors".  So far it's absolutely fascinating!  I want to see the movie too-- but not until after I finish the book.  I love that now I have time to read things other than plays or textbooks that I'm not in grad school anymore! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catching Up

It's 2am and I'm somehow more awake than I've been in a long time.  I battled with some seasonal depression last week. It was finally really cold outside and all the leaves had turned. What some might find inspiring and beautiful I tend to see as reminder of the passage of time and imminent death.  Depressing, ain't it?  But this is a new week and I'm optimistic.  Fall has some real perks like the introduction of cute hats and scarves to my wardrobe.  That's always fun.  And the cycle of life should be celebrated- not feared. 

I also strayed from Weight Watchers last week-- in a bad way-- gaining back 3 pounds.  But Today I'm back on and doing well.  I have a plan for tomorrow and hope to really bring my water intake up to where it should be in addition to staying on target with my points the rest of this week.  I stocked up on veggies and low cal options today at the grocery store.

So- I'm in prep week for Alice in Wonderland.  Prepping for a show is very exciting.  It's a new beginning!  We all get to start fresh.  New production. New cast. New paperwork. New calendar. New To Do List. New script. New designs. New office supplies!  YAY PREP WEEK!

Ok. I'm gonna go read for a bit and go to bed.  Later-

Friday, October 24, 2008

Talky Blog

Tops covered:
  • Weird schedule changes
  • What I'm reading now-a-days
  • I need new batteries!
  • Where is the UPS guy?
  • Why am I wearing at hat?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weight Watchers Update

I've lost 6 pounds! 

I know that doesn't sound like much but I'm still very happy about it.  In fact, I did a little dance when I hopped off the scale this morning.  So far Weight Watchers seems to be working really well for me-- I don't starve.  I just make smarter choices and still eat my fill.  At the end of the day I have more energy and feel better.  The weight loss is like a bonus. 

So-- wish me luck!  I think I'm hooked now. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
I was playing in my little photography studio this morning when Ophelia decided to pay me a visit. She was nice enough to sit still long enough for me to snap a quick shot. Isn't she beautiful? :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Converting the sun room into a studio

Hey!  I'm VERY excited about this--- I've decided to convert my sun room into a photography studio.  I've already done one photo session in here already and it worked so well that I decided to permanently rearrange some furniture, move the litter box and create a little work space for my photography.  The sun room is perfect because I love using natural light and plenty comes in thru the windows here midday.  I've added some studio lighting for fill or sessions on cloudy days.  The windows are useful in other ways.  The blinds create a great effect when needed and the curtain rod at the end of the room can be used to hang back drops.  Here is a snap shot of my little studio as I was setting it up: 

Weight Watchers Update

So I've been on Weight Watchers for a couple of weeks now.  Honestly though, the first week doesn't really count.  I tried to just eat like normal and see how many points it added up to.  It was great- I learned a lot about where I spend my points.  I'll usually be on track (unless I go to Chipotle for lunch) until the evening when it all goes out the door.  In that last hour before bed I have a tendency to binge on foods with a high point value and blow the whole plan out of the water. 

With this problem in mind I headed into the 2nd week.  And I was doing pretty well until the dinner break of our 1st 10 out of 12 tech rehearsal.  Our director's wonderful mother brought food to the theatre to feed the cast and crew-- and oh my God it was delicious!  I jumped off the diet wagon and into the buffet line faster than  you can say gastric bypass!   Later I was munching on my 3rd sandwich from the Mom buffet when I decided: tech is like Christmas-- no one should be on a diet during tech. 

So once tech was over I jumped back on the wagon and so far have been doing pretty good.  So far I've lost 2 pounds, gained one back and now I'm on my way back down.  One thing that's actually helping me is my lack of social interaction.  You see, my favorite thing to do with friends is to eat-- but in Cincinnati all my friends are so busy and I'm always at the theatre so I've been eating out MUCH less often than I did in grad school.  At one point I was up to eating out a least once a day. 

Anyway- Wish me luck!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

MyFace... or FaceSpace... or MyBook... or...

It's Friday afternoon at 12:30.  I'm on day 4 of my 15 days without a day off-- don't get me wrong it's my own fault.  I'm currently working 2 contracts at once-- which was my choice.  Nevertheless, as rehearsals for The Seafarer start next week while Grey Gardens continues to run I will have little free time.  Strangely, I thought I would take this-- one of my last free hours, to blog about online communities. 

I know I've talked blogged about this before- but I'm addicted.  I've been on LiveJournal, Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, Plaxo (not to mention a few more 'adult' social networking sites) for years now.  Well I'm hearby parring it down.  I recently had a conversation with my friend Keven who told me that he is officially "offline".  Well, not really-- he still has a professional web page as an actor-- but he canceled his MySpace, Facebook and all that.  He sounded so liberated and free!  I kind of envied him and felt inspired to do the same.  Don't get me wrong- I'm not going cold turkey like he did.  But do I really use Friendster anymore?  Nope.  CANCELED.   LiveJournal?  Nope. ABANDONED.  What about MySpace?  Uhh... well... I kinda use it.  I mean, I check it every day.. but dont' really post anything there anymore.  I don't blog there or anything.  Let's come back to MySpace later.   Next?  Facebook.  YES!  I use facebook.  In fact, it seems to be a perfect resource for keeping in touch with colleagues I've worked with on shows in the past, a communication tool really.  I almost use it like a big online address book.  Oh wait-- doesn't that exist?  It does!  It's called Plaxo!  So why don't I just use that?  Well- most of my friends are not on Plaxo (yet).  So for now Facebook stays.  Plaxo will also stay. 
...  ...
So.. what about MySpace?  Ok- first let me direct you to a link.  Read the number 10 commandment in this list: The Ten Commandment of Facebook.  As the article says, MySpace is kind of glitter filled and juvenile.  I mean, Facebook does seem a little more "grown up".  Of course, is being "grown up" all that important?  Maybe I need some wimsy in my life and MySpace is just the right place for that.  I'm not sure.   What do YOU think?  Should I get rid of MySpace?? 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Grey Gardens is up & running!

Grey Gardens opened Wednesday night.  It's a great production on a really wonderful show.  I've been obsessed with Little Edie ever since I saw the documentary 2 years ago.  Doug Wright, Scot Frankel, & Michael Korie have done an amazing job of creating a musical based on that cult classic documentary.  Our production is one of the first regional productions of this Broadway hit. 

More info:
September 10 - 28, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm watching Tim Burton's 1989 Batman for the first time in years. I love to see what great directors and actors can do with good characters like Batman/Bruce Wayne and especially The Joker. Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger both turn out compelling interpretations of The Joker. In any case, this is a nice way to spend a Sunday evening.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mike Update

I'm happily settling into new digs in beautiful Cincinnati. The apartment is way cute and my neighbors are nice. Ophelia seems to be settling in ok too-- except that she seems to want to wake me up at like 7am every day. I'm not sure if she hears the neighbors moving around then and it scares her or what- but suddenly she's all about laying right next to my face and smacking repeatedly with her tail. I roll over and scoot away to avoid her-- Then she'll move to the other side of the bed by walking over me and lay down on that side and wack me in the face. This continues for hours (though I occasionally kick her out of bed she comes back) till I finally give in and get up.

So, I started work yesterday! I settled into my desk a little, found my way around the building and asked a bunch of questions. It was good times. :) It feels so "right" to be back in Cincinnati. It really feels like home. I went to Church Sunday at the First Unitarian Church which is actually pretty near my apartment. It's a beautiful old historic church with Tiffany windows and carved wood. The people were all very nice of course and made me feel very welcome. I could see me settling in Cincinnati for a while. :)

Hmm.. what else is new? ...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Church Shooting

Amanda called me Sunday with a seriousness I've rarely heard in her voice. "Mike, there was a shooting at the Unitarian Church today." I met the news with a coldness. My church? There was a shooting at my little hometown church? I almost shrugged it off-- I didn't want to think about such a tragedy. It wasn't till the next day that it started really started sinking in. Now I'm kind of obsessing with reading about it - various news reports and blogs. Here is a good article at that goes into the shooter's hate filled motives.

My heart goes out to members of the church. I haven't been to Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in a couple of years- since I started grad school actually. But I still think of it as home. My church is a place where everyone is welcome. They go beyond "tolerance" and embrace "acceptance". It's a quiet place of meditation and love.

I feel a sense of guilt. I should have been there. I was originally planning on moving to Ohio Monday so I could stay in TN for the weekend and go to church. The move was bumped up to Saturday because of my parent's work schedules (they were helping me move).

It angers me to know this happened because of hate-- a man who blamed liberals and gays for his own misfortune lashed out like an animal in a place that's full of nothing but love.

But together we can heal. Friends, please send your love, positve energy, and prayers to the congretation of the Tennessee Valley UU Church. The UUA has set up a blog for us to express our thoughts here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's the day of the show, y'all!

The Beaux Stratagem opens today! This is my final project in grad school-- I graduate in a week!! Stage Managing Beaux has been a treat. I hope some of you can come see it. :)

From ASF's Blog:
Starting this Friday we have our MFA production of The Beaux Stratagem,
a rowdy romp through 17th century England involving two young men's
scheme to woo and then rob young women across the countryside. What's
the only problem? They didn't anticipate a real love. Check out all the
facts behind this hilarious play at wikipedia
and see why love can cause the best of plans to go awry. Tickets on
sale now at the box office at 334-271-5353 or 1-800-841-4273 -or-
online at We'll see you there!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati: '08-'09 Season


The Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
has announced their 2008-2009 Season. The lineup includes six different
works ranging from contemporary theatre award-winners, as well as, some
Cincinnati favorites.

Three of the works have been nominated forTony Awards. Grey Gardens has been nominated for 10 including Best Musical. The Seafarer and Gem of the Ocean have both been nominated for several (4 and 5 respectively) awards and are both nominated for Best Play.

In addition to those goodies you'll have the opportunity to check out
Alice in Wonderland (a musical retelling of Lewis Carroll's classic
story), Mauritius, and Don't Make Me Pull This Show Over: Dispatches From The Frontlines of Parenting.

Monday, June 30, 2008


The marketing department at ASF asked me to write about my typical rehearsal day for the Shake It Up Times ASF Blog. Check it out!

Link to the blog's main page is here.

40 Days... an internal search

Hey Blog Buddies!!! A couple of week back (actually 20 days ago) I was at Barnes & Noble with Lynn & Jerry. We had just commented that there were exactly 40 days left till graduation. Moments later I was drooling over the various mole skin notebooks in the journal/diary section when I stumbled onto 40 Days and 40 Nights: Taking Time Out For Self-Discovery, A Guided Journal. It seemed perfect! I had 40 days left as a grad student in Alabama and this journal would give me the chance to take time to explore my inner self while in school. Hopefully I'd emerge after graduation a better person, right? Well.. that sounds great, but my last 40 days in grad school are actually pretty busy and hectic. I'm SMing a show, closed the rep season, and I'm battling the ever growing pile of Theatre History homework that I just keep putting off. Not to mention my planning a move and apartment hunting, etc. Nevertheless, I kept up with the journal for a couple of weeks. Here are my thoughts:

The book starts by asking you to choose an intention. Why are you doing the exercise? I chose "to learn more about myself". Each day includes an activity and several journal prompts to help inspire me to write. For example, Day 8 says "Open a line of communication between you and your intuition and listen witht he intent to really hear. Activity: Calm down and relax. Put your fingertips to your pulse. Find your heartbeat, release, and sit quietly. Then whisper the following words: 'What do I need to know to help me with my intention? What do I need to do or not do?' Let things percolate. Listen for your intuition- it might be a voice, a body sensation, or fleeting images. Write down whatever comes to you; it's almost like taking dication." I wrote "The image of a potted plant refused to leave my mind-- perhaps a bonzai tree." The wierd thing is- I have no patience for potted plants. I either overwater them or ignor them. Either way, a house plant has a short lifespan in my home. I don't really take pleasure in caring for a plant. So why when I asked myself "What do I need to know to learn more about myself" I saw the image of a potted plant? Maybe I'm trying to tell myself to be patient. It's all open to interpretation.
Next day 8 had two journal prompts.:
  • Whose voice do you love the sound of? Why? How does it affect you?
  • Write down a secret you've kept a long time. How does it feel to finaly spill it out?
These questions/instructions prompted me to write about my mother and my lack of secrets. I mean, there are a few friends who know everything about me-- really.

But that was day 8-- and even then I wasn't really doing the journal right. It gave me 3 pages to write on but I barely filled one. I'd also wait to the middle of the night, right before bed to do my journal. I never really gave it the time and attention it required. Much like a potted plant. Hmm...

But now it's day 21 and I've not picked up the book for 4 days. I don't think this is a reason to thow the book away-- I'll read thru the missed days today and see what happens. But I'm just not going to force myself into daiy devotional. I can learn more about myself outside of that structured plan I think. Thoughts?

Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm sitting in a dirty room with
a closet full of laundry.
Behind me is an unmade bed.
To my right, a grocery list
next to some dirty dishes.
A stack of papers from class and some
plays I need to read sit on top of the printer.

My eyes glaze over as I click

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bullet List of the Week

  • I love NPR and I wish I had more time to listen to it! Moreover, I need to read more news. My god, I didn't even know Tim Russert had died until today-- I live in a theatre cave! Does anyone know of a good online news service that would keep me updated? I could just check new york times dot come or something. Hmm...
  • I can't explain how excited I am about my plans after graduation. I can't wait to move to Cincinnati and start working at Ensemble! That being said, I'm already stressing out about the move and finding an apartment there. So I bought a moving planner kit. It's helpful-- but it makes me realize how much work is ahead of me.
  • Speaking of work that's ahead of me, I'm in Theatre History procrastination hell again. But really, my final semester shouldn't be any different than the last 3, right? At this point, it's a tradition to wait till the last minute. [music from 'Fiddler' fades up] Tradition!
  • I crave crackers & peanut butter with milk! I think I'll go get some now...
  • [Intermission]
  • Mmm.. that was good. BTW- If I'm not careful, the TV will eat my soul. I find myself watching some random anime.
  • So, my graduate teaching assistant health insurance really sucks. I had strep throat in April and went to a walk in clinic and got some antibiotics. I just got a bill for $81! My health insurance didn't cover a penny of it! GRR!
  • Sometimes my cat falls asleep on her back and it's adorable-- but looks oddly unnatural-- like I drugged her and posed her that way.
  • That's all for now. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

"What's Next" or "Mike Got a Job"

I've always had good luck on Friday the 13th. Today (or yesterday as I type this so late at night) was no exception and I have news---- I'm happy to announce that I will be the new Production Stage Manager at Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati! I'm very excited about this new opportunity and thought I'd share the news with you, my friends and blog buddies. :) More to come soon-

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Greg's Headshots

IMG_1640 copy
Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
I had a shoot this afternoon with my friend Greg. We got some good shots- check um out. :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Link by Link

It seems like all my friends are making web pages or blogging now-a-days. Lets look at at few of these pages link by link. (I had to go there-- that song is stuck in my head)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Budget Crisis!

No- I'm not talking about the US Economy, I'm talking about little ole me and my little ole economic state. I've never really been one for budgets. When I was younger (much younger) I used Quicken-- but I found that it just got me into trouble. It gave me a false sense of security. For example, I'd see that I have $50 left in the bank so I'd go to the ATM and take out $40 to live on till the next pay day, allowing a $10 buffer. Then my old AOL account would automatically withdraw $24.95 (or whatever it was). Suddenly I'm stuck with an overdraft charge, fees and penalties and lots of people mad at me. So- I started not balancing my checkbook and just assuming that I'm broke. This didn't really work either but luckily I soon switched to Bank of America which has a great online banking service that keeps things updated almost instantly when I use my debit card. I love Bank of America! (Maybe I can get them to sponsor my blog!) So now I just keep a close eye on my bank account online and take note of the few actual checks I write since they don't appear online instantly. For the last couple years I've had a nice little stipend for my Graduate Research Assistantship and the ability to take out student loans. The loans went for tools like this laptop, supplies, books, food, etc. Things are nice, right? Where's the problem?

I found out recently that I'm not eligible for a summer loan for some reason. This news prompted me to look at my finances. At first glance it looks like I'll be fine since I have some of my Spring semester loan left plus tax refund money, etc in the bank. But I graduate soon-- and that assistantship money is going to stop. True, I'm applying for work after college but there's no guarantee that things are going to work out as I've planned. Yesterday I realized that I've been living in a dreamland. I don't worry about how often I eat out or how much I spend on groceries because that's what the student loan money is for, right? Food is essential, so just eat. WRONG! I sat down and looked at my receipts and found out that I spend about $500 a month on food and groceries- just for myself. That's almost half my stipend. That figure opened my eyes. I sat down and made a spreadsheet of all my expenses, my income and my debt. In doing so I realized that I don't really know how much debt I have. Yes- I'm THAT stupid. So I figured out how to log into my student loan accounts online and found the exact amount of money I owe. I won't publish the number here-- but it was mind boggling.

How can I be this stupid? I LET this happen! Ok ok-- stop and breath. If I had gone to an expensive program my debt could easily have been 4 or 5 times as much-- so I just need to chill out. I'm earning a Masters Degree-- a terminal degree in my field. I'm almost 30. Truth be told I'm not that bad off. I have what is most likely an average to small debt load for where I am in life. I'm ok.

BUT-- I need to change! I need to start looking at how much I spend and on what. I need to knock that food bill down a few notches by cooking more and eating out less. And when I do eat out I should choose cheaper places or order cheaper menu items. I need to seriously regroup here and form a plan of attack. I want to live off my stipend for the next 2 months with some left over. I don't want to touch the money that's in my checking account right now because I'll need all of that to pay for a move and to help me start my life wherever I end up going after graduation. I can do this.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cincy & Cat Meditation

I don't really have much to type about today. But I feel it's about time for a new blog- so here goes. Let's do another bullet list, shall we?
  • First, I just need to aknowledge that I think my mind works in bullet points. :)
  • My trip to Cincinnati was GREAT! It was so nice to see some old friends, smiling faces I haven't seen in years, and pick right back up where we left off.
  • The drive up and back was nice too. I fell in love with my rented Prius-- which got an average of 44.9 miles per gallon during the trip, btw.
  • The rep season is going ok. I'm training first year students to take over 2 of my 3 shows so that I can have more time for Beaux Stratagem, the grad show I'm stage managing. In training someone to do my job, I've realized how much detail is missing from my paperwork. For example, when I put "Tybalt's knife" on a prop preset list I know which one that is-- but it wouldn't be obvious to anyone else. It's been a good learning experience.
  • I've started taking my meditation a little more seriously. I try to spend a few minutes each day in quiet meditation-- but Ophelia seems to hate this idea. I'll be sitting in the floor or on my bed with my legs crossed-- just sitting and breathing with my eyes closed or in a locked gaze when I feel a cold cat nose on my arm. Then she starts head butting me. Oh- and she loves my meditation beads which thinks are a cat toy worthy of attack. It's really adorable. Maybe I should make Ophelia a part of my meditation. Cat petting meditation. Hmm... it has potential.
  • At this moment I have 1 month, 25 days, 18 hours, and 52 minutes till graduation.. not that I'm counting.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I'm driving up to Cincinnati Ohio today to reconnect with some friends and do some job search stuff. I embark on the 8.5 hour drive right after my matinée. I decided to rent a car since mine (her name is Jane) is getting old and I don't want to put more miles on her than I have to. Jane is a '94 Ford Escort who has seen me through a lot- but bless her heart, her days are numbered. So- I went to Enterprise to rent a small car. I ended up waiting in their lobby for a long time-- I think they forgot at about me. The manager apologized (unprompted) and offered me a free upgrade- to a Toyota Prius Hybrid! SWEET! These are beautiful cars with great fuel efficiency. Operating the Prius feels like flying a space ship. No wonder one Trekie converted his (click here for more info). I have to admit, that when I first got in, I didn't know how to turn it on. The key looks more like a remote and the car has a power button to turn on. Oh my god- I think I'm in love!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dispatch from NYC

Right now I'm sitting in a tiny hotel room on 45th Street between 5th and 6th Ave in New York City. Last night we had our showcase at New World Stages. The 2008 MFA acting class was amazing and I hope they get some great job connections and agents out of it. I stage managed the showcase-- an easy job. I just had to get the props to NYC, coordinate a few things and get the show started, call a few cues, 1 scene shift, & clean up.

So- that was yesterday. Today I had a day off in NYC! This is my first time in the city and I'm loving it! Unfortunately I'm not in town for long-- we fly out tomorrow actually. But I made the most of my time here. Here's a list of "firsts" for me:
  • I SM'd a show off Broadway in NYC... well a showcase. It kinda counts.
  • I saw a Broadway show! I was lucky enough to have friends with connections and actually got a comp too!! I saw A Chorus Line and it was AMAZING!! I laughed- I cried. It was a mile marker of my life! :)
  • I ate at Sardi's. I looked for muppet rats under the table but sadly there were none.
  • I went shopping at Macy's. I found a cute shirt but sadly- no Santa.
  • I hung out in Greenwich Village with my friend Jerry. We ate at a little cafe, bought some books at Oscar Wilde's and had desert at Jeckyl & Hyde's. It was a great soul nurishing experience to be in the village.
  • I walked by a film shoot on the streets of NY.
  • Saw Time Square & the Empire State Building... yada yada... you know: the NY thing. :)
Ok.. I'm going to bed now--- more later. :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Talky Blog #10: About Grad School...

I've made a little talky blog. While my mac compresses the file and uploads it onto youtube, I will type this little introduction. First of all, let me say that it's late- after midnight now, and I've been sick and medicated recently. That combined with the stress level and what I think was a some sort of anxiety attack last night has led me to be rather contemplative. All this and little meditation tonight led me to make this video blog. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick Bullet List

- I love Mountain Dew. There I said it.
- If another person asks "So what are you doing after graduation?" I'm going to scream. I DON'T KNOW OK?!
- I took a nap yesterday and it was amazing. I should take more naps.
- I'm in Theatre History hell.
- I'm not feeling well tonight. This press release will explain why. I'm upset... it's hard to explain... I'm anxious... like I feel there's a darkness closing in around me-- or something bad around the corner.
- That's all for now. I'm going to bed and snuggle with my cat. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

R&J Opening!

So, we've been performing Romeo & Juliet for weeks and weeks in the mornings for school kids. But the show is finally open to the public! I thought I'd share my opening cast gift with you all. :) You see, the nurse in the play often asks for aqua vitae. Since our production is set in 2008, I joked that we should change the line to AquaFina and give her a water bottle. My opening night gifts are a play on that joke-- I gave them each a water bottle with this label:

It took a little photoshop magic to get the logo just right. I also grabbed the bar code from Google Image Search. The ingredients read "Nutrition Facts Seving Size: 1 Bottle. Amount Per Serving: Caleries 0, Total Fat 0, Sodium 0, Carbs 0, Love 100g (100% DV), Ingredients: Best wishes for a happy opening, H2O, Care & Support (Not a signifigant source of Brucine)" Cheesy I know.. but hey- it's an opening gift. :) In the end they turned out looking like this:

Friday, April 11, 2008

I shot that!

Fight director Jason Armit's new web page just went live. Why am I blogging about this? Because I shot the photo of him that's on his homepage! :) Check it out here.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Photography!

IMG_0896 copy
Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
Hey! So I've had a few photo shoots recently. Mainly for headshots of a few of my friends: Tommy, Angie, & Meghan. Click the picture to check um out on my flickr page. I've also updated the photography section of my website.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Random thoughts...

The Yay List
  • I'm starving but dinner time is in 20 minutes. YAY!
  • I got my tax refund today! YAY!
  • A friend recently loaned be the Battlestar Galactica miniseries. Um... WOW. It's amazing! I'd heard it was good but I really had no idea what I was missing. It's some of the best sci fi I've ever seen, so I ordered season one from Amazon. Why am I bringing this up today? It just arrived in the mail! YAY!
  • Speaking of how nerdy I am... I'm enjoying the Star Trek manga series. If you're up for some classic Trek in comic form pick up a copy! Yay!
  • I'm finding a lot of inspiration for photographs lately. Unfortunately I have little time to play with my camera.. but still thinking about it makes me happy. Yay!
The Boo List
  • My MFA program is in jeopardy. I don't even want to get into here.. but it sucks. Boo!
  • I'm homesick. Boo!
  • I miss my friends who aren't at ASF-- and the ones who are! I have no social life in grad school. lol Boo!
  • I starting to hate theatre. (wow- that's dramatic.. but sadly honest) Boo!
The ?? List
  • What am I doing with my life??
  • What's next?
  • Is this worth it?
  • Will dinner time never get here??

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hey! So- I just made a new web page devoted to my photography. Check it out-- at

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Photography, etc. :)

I had a couple of photo shoots Monday with some friends- Sarah and Jason. I think my little photography portfolio is coming together well! :) Check um out on my flickr page. Eventually I'd like to put together a web site for my photography and start a little side business. Do you have any suggestions for porfolio sites that make it easy and cheap for photographers to get their work on the web in a professional looking way? I think I might outgrow Flickr one day.

In other news-- I watched the 2003 Battlestar Galactica miniseries last night (I'd never seen it). Let me just say this: WOW. Now THAT'S how science fiction is supposed to be! :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

MFA Company Photo Shoot

Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
Yesterday I got the chance to take some pictures of the 2nd year MFA acting company at ASF. Some of the shots turned out pretty good. :) Check them out on my flickr page!

Monday, February 25, 2008


OMG you guys- I've been SO BUSY lately! I don't even know where to begin. Let's go bullet point style:
  • I'm in tech for The Count of Monte Cristo. It's going really well. It's a big show with a complicated set and backstage life, but I'm enjoying it. This does mean really long hours at work though.
  • My cat Ophelia has been very sick. :( Basically she was dangerously constipated. But after some time in an animal hospital (several outpatient visits) and a few ugly vet bills she seems to be much better. It's been a life changing week for her since her diet now has to change completely. Wish us luck!
  • I'm getting new glasses! My old ones are all f'ed up so (despite the vet bill drama) I'm going to get new ones. I made an appointment with an optometrist for this afternoon. I'm thinking about going with thick black plastic frames. Something like this. Thoughts? :)
  • On the photography front, I have a photoshoot scheduled with my MFA classmates coming up. I'm getting my picture made with them by a professional photographer and I'm shooting the acting students to give them more options for their showcase program. I can't wait! I also have a few more actor headshot shoots in the works. :)
  • I updated my resume today adding in the shows I'm doing right now. I'm thinking about changing the font. Which do you like better? Font # 1 or Font # 2 or Font #3? (pdf files). Thanks for helping me out. :)
  • Ok... I recently made a silly purchase. This was before Oph got sick and I had those vet bills, but it's too late to cancel it now. I ordered a utilikilt! So, it arrived the other day but they sent me the wrong size! :( It was HUGE!! They were really nice about it and apologized for the mistake. They sent me a return UPS label and the ginormous kilt is on its way back to Seattle as we speak. Meanwhile, I want MY kilt!
  • Wow- it's a beautiful day! OK.. I'm off to do some laundry. Later!
    UPDATE: I got my new glasses. Check um out!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse
Originally uploaded by The Mike Jones
I just went out on my balcony and snapped a couple pics of the moon. Check um out on my flicker page. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday...

Yesterday was weird. Usually Monday is my day off but this week I had a random rehearsal that dominated the day. This has made me feel like I'm running behind... I hope I can catch up this week.

Here is my usual Monday routine:

- I try to enjoy the one day when I can sleep in but still get up early enough so I don't feel like I've wasted the day. This is a delicate balance but usually puts me getting up just before 10am.
- After I shower I check my e-mail and hit the "Stumble!" button about 20 times. I usually start to make a To Do list then. The list includes things like this:
- Laundry
- Dishes
- Trash
- Clean Bathroom
- Pick up Bedroom
- vacuum
- Clean Litter Box
- Groceries
- Theatre History??
- Meditate
- Call Kerrie
- Plan Photo Shoot
- Blog
- Job Search
- After I make this list I ignore it for an hour or two. If it's a nice day I'll open the windows and the door to the deck. I put up a baby gate in the door so Ophelia doesn't go out on the deck. She's so curious about the deck but when she's out there she freaks out... so we avoid that.
- I start laundry and fix something to eat. While this is happening I usually pick up the apartment a little and I might gather the trash to take it out and load the dish washer.
- After I eat I take the trash out on my way to the car.
- I end up at Wal-mart-- the evil but convenient place for one stop shopping. I buy whatever I need and come back. Usually while I'm at Wal-mart Kerrie calls me (because I never get around to calling her) and we make dinner plans.
- I come back home, put away groceries and call or im Lynn to invite him to dinner too. Kerrie, Lynn and I have dinner every monday night-- but we always act like it's a new thing, you know what I mean? The conversation is always "Hey, what are you doing? Have you eaten? Well, Kerrie (or Lynn if I'm talking to Kerrie) and I are going to get something to eat later. Want to come along?"
- Laundry
- Clean Litter Box
- Turn on the TV and promptly ignore it. I sit down and Oph jumps in my lap. About 10 seconds after she settles the dryer clicks off or I hear someone IM me or the microwave beeps. "Sorry kitty.. jump down." I end up sitting very little on Mondays.
- Internet (MySpace, Facebook, Blog, Stumble, Stumble Stumble....)
- Knock Knock. Come in!! Lynn & Kerrie come over and we talk about were to eat. Or rather, where not to eat.
- Dinner!
- Then I usually end up back at one of our apartment feeling like a stuffed pig. We lounge and chat.
- Crap! I forgot laundry in the dryer and washer! I start it back up.
- I look back at the list and mark off the couple of things I accomplished and settle in for a quiet evening of web surfing. I should go to bed early because I have work in the morning but... I never do.

So. That's my Monday. But this week it was more like
- Get up and quicky eat something
- Rehearsal
- Lunch (laundry, trash, litter box)
- Rehearsal
- Give Ophelia a bath
- Crap! Laundry!
- Dinner w/Kerrie & Lynn
- World Market... I'm so sleepy
- Crash. Crap! Laundry!
- Internet
- Sleep

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Headshot shoot: Sarah Thornton

Here is the best headshot that I took of Sarah last week.

I just wanted to share some of my pictures on my blog and I'm testing the "blog this" feature on flickr. :)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time Management

I've been so bad with time management lately! It just seems that all my time is squandered and I fall behind on everything (including this blog). The main culprit is my work schedule. I'm at the theatre for about 12 hours a day. But still, minus 8 hours of sleep that leaves me 4 hours to read, blog, do homework and ... what am I fogetting? Oh, EAT. That's right. Actually, that's just about all I end up doing. I eat out a lot now-a-days. Ok, enough rambling.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Failed Talky Blog

So I recorded a talky blog on my dinner break but... the audio didn't record. Still, it's kind of funny to watch. I think I was on crack. Check it out here if you want a laugh.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Talky Blog #6

Am I stoned?

P.S. I'm kind of whispering in this video because my neighbors were on their deck too and I was afraid they'd think I'm crazy and just talking to myself. Haha!

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Geeky home theatres (link)

These AMAZING home theatres are why I need to win the lottery! The Star Trek TNG one is just.. I mean.. WOW! I... I'm speechless.

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Park Photos!

Hey! So, as I mentioned in the talky blog (below) I went out into the park and played with my camera. I took A LOT of pictures (like 240) and out of those, I uploaded 8 to my flickr account. Check um out!

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Talky Blog #5

Hey guys! In this talky blog I chat about
- Eating out
- Other bloggers like David (TheCreativeOne) & Davey Wavey (breaktheillusion) and how they inspire me.
- My Day Off!! :)

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Sunday, January 27, 2008


I'm starting to feel a little bit buried. I graduate in 174 days, 23 hours & 26 minutes.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Talky Blog #4

Here's a new talky-blog. I've been kinda down lately so I'm not as energetic as usual haha. And for some reason the mic kept cutting out... it almost sounds like I was cussing and edited myself.


Since I recording this video I've figured out that my mouse just needed to be cleaned. It works now. Yay!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Photos on Flickr!

I've been interested in photography for a few years, but since starting grad school I've all but abandoned it. Well that's about to change!
I'm taking pictures again and I want to share them with you all, my friends. Uploading them onto Myspace/Facebook seems time consuming and impractical, so I decided to create a Flickr account. I uploaded some landscape shots I took while I was on tour as well as a couple headshots I've done for friends, a pic of Oph, etc. New pictures to come soon. :)
Here is the link:

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quick Update

I'm in tech this week so I'm crazy busy. But I have SO MUCH to blog about! Stay tuned!

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacBook Woe

In August 2006 I started grad school, took out a student loan and bought my first mac. I went with the 13" MacBook with a few upgrades. It's not a bottom line model but it certainly doesn't have all the bells and whistles that the MacBook Pro has. For example, my MacBook has a plastic casing while the Pro has a metal casing. Overall I'm extremely happy with my Mac. It's far superior to my old Dell! It's faster. It runs smoother. It's overall just amazing. That being said, I do have a qualm. Remember when I said it has a plastic casing? (Of course you do, it was like 5 seconds ago.) The casing has developed a crack. Alack the day!! A Crack! A Crack! It started out as a hairline fracture on the edge of the casing where my right wrist rests. Now it's devloped into a crack that's just over an inch long and maybe a 16th of an inch wide. A quick google search has revealed that I'm not alone. This is apparently a common problem with the MacBook. It stil works fine but this crack is unsightly. I put tape on it but that looks even more ghetto. I should probably take it to a mac store and see if my warranty will cover this. But, of course, the closest mac store is hours away. Damn you Alabama!

Really, all of this makes me look longingly at the the metal MacBook Pro and check how much moola I have in my checking account. Hmm. No no-- I shouldn't buy a new computer just because mine has a tiny crack... right? I mean that's crazy!


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Youtube down :(

It appears that YouTube is down and that makes me sad. :(

UPDATE: Aaand we're back.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Talky Blog #3 (Ophelia, Technology, & flip cams!)


my workspace

This blog inspired me to show you all a picture of my workspace. Note all the nerdy toys. :)


Sunday, January 13, 2008


Apparently I had the security settings to high and only members of could leave comments on my blog entries. I changed the settings and now we should be good.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Vacation all I ever wanted...

I'm exhausted! I've been having trouble falling asleep at a decent hour. The last couple of nights I've gone to bed at 2 or 3 and then had to get up at like 9 and it's starting to catch up with me. I also need a vacation. Oh my god! Can you imagine a week with nothing to do but lounge by a pool and read?! I'd make sure to bring my laptop so I could blog about how awesome it is! Maybe I'll make this dream come true after graduation. Oh wait, that's when the unemployment/student loan payback period begins.
Ya know, I've never taken a vacation as an adult. Whenever I've have free time it's because I'm unemployed and thus poor. Hmmm. Maybe I should start a vacation savings account or something. In the mean time I just have to go to my happy place. Currently, my happy place (or the place I imagine when meditating) is a tropical beach at twilight on a cool night. It's really quite lovely. :)

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Quick Talky Blog

I had a minute before I had to go to work so I made a quick talky blog. Not really planned-- totally extemporaneous. Ramble ramble ramble. :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wonder Woman just inspired me

I was listening to a random mix on my iPod and the Wonder Woman theme song came up. The following lyric really sang out to me. Maybe because I just watched After Stonewall.

"In your satin tights
Fighting for your rights!"

Best lyric in a super hero theme song EVER. There I said it. (Read the rest of the lyrics here).

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R & J Logo Video

I made this video about my quest for a show logo for Romeo & Juliet. Now, this logo is just for the front of my binder-- not the real logo for the show. I think the video explains the rest. It's about a minute long and has no sound. :)


Monday, January 7, 2008

Talky Blog?

So far I've only blogged about blogging! Here is my very first talky blog... this was mearly a test. Geez I sound like an idiot!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

quick note

Sometimes I think about writing a blog about something but then I never actually get around to it-- for fear that I won't do the subject credit or that I'll get all caught up grammar. With ScribeFire, however (my God, I feel like a commercial) I'm one click away from making a quick one line comment or quote or something.

... that's all for now. ;)

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Quotes of the Day

"OMG! Mercutio is dead! LOL"

"I'm going to sit here and eat chocolate while you act if you don't mind."

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words words words

Well, it's 11:00am the next day and I have the new blog starring at me. Why did I create a blog at 2:17 in the morning? I've been here before. I love the idea of blogging but don't really follow thru. We'll see if this blog will be any different. I might keep it a secret for a while and only tell my friends about it once I've really written some things for them to read.

Ya know, Tommy once suggested that I do video blogs. I laughed at him then but now I'm honestly considering it. Maybe I'll try one on for size soon. I really like Ross The Intern's Blog and have recently started reading/watching They both make "talky blogs" look pretty cool and easy. I might end up looking like a dork though. Of course the first blog I ever started faithfully reading, Wil Wheaton Dot Net is still on my reading list and he doesn't do talky blogs.

Oh, you might notice that at the bottom of each entry on this blog it says "Powered by ScribeFire". This is a blog editting tool that makes blogging a little more convenient. It rides at the bottom of my Firefox window and whenever I want to blog I just click a little icon in the lower right hand corner and scribefire pops up ontop of whatever webpage I'm looking at and boom-- I'm blogging. Pretty cool actually.

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A new blog

It's 2:17 in the morning and I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow. For some odd reason I've decided to create a new blog. I've grown board of my blog on myspace and am looking new territory! Wish me luck.

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